40 Days of Psalm 91 — Day 19
“For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.” Psalm 91:3,4
How deep is Your Love for me Lord? Because it is overwhelming me.
Your Love comes in like a flood, and my breath is swept away — as I die to self and my eyes begin to close — Your Breath is released into my lungs at just the moment my flesh collapses.
My eyes have been adjusted to see You in Your Sanctuary — and my ears recognize the still soft voice that caresses my senses — it is overwhelming.
Your Beauty is beyond imagination, and Your Touch brings Life.
Faithfulness is wrapped around me; wings that encompass my being and keep me safe from the threats that are around me. And just when I think I can’t take any more of Your Love — I ask for more.
It comes out of the depth of my being — without any outward shifting of position or thought, but becomes a Spiritual Necessity and the well spring within me, speaks for my heart and bypasses my mind.
As you address the issues hidden within me — I am undone.
The repentance flows out of me like a river born on the Love of the Cross and the Power of the Resurrection — seeking forgiveness from the One who sits on the Throne. And just like that, Grace comes — and unties my hands; the chains fall away — and I am free.
It is a constant motion, this Kingdom of God — that has invaded my life and rebuilt the ancient ruins with my soul. Renovated and restored, the life I live is not my own — but yours. The tears that come, are equal to the Joy of the Cross before me — encumbering the notion that there is no other way.
Only one path, leads to you — and it is narrow like the edge of an embankment where one hand is guided along by the mountain’s edge and the other hand stands in the air, worshiping you for the footholds given — on treacherous slopes.
This is the Faithfulness that is my Shield and my Buckler.
(Was asked what is a Buckler as described in the KJV. The Aramaic rendering, shows the buckler as a surround — meaning covers all, much like the rendering of buckler as rampart or bulwork.)