40 Days of Psalm 91 — Day 32
“who is my refuge . . . “ Psalm 91:9b
Safe passage and tender mercies are in the midst of every travail and difficult exchange with this world. For it is only within this world, that difficulty may come — but the Heart of the Father is that you are an overcoming Light — that shatters the darkness.
You are beautiful Beloved — you take the Lord’s breath away as He gazes upon you.
It is in your worship, that He draws near — and the beauty He sees is the Love of His Son Jesus written on your face and hands, and etched into the walls of your heart. It is also corporate, this unity He comes to find in His Bride.
An opening of your heart, that allows Him to see His Son Jesus — and He sings over you in those moments.
It is a Love Relationship — an intimate affair, this Love of a God that hung on a Cross. Then bled and died, giving up the last earthly breath to heaven — and laid in a tomb (a hole carved out of a rock) — and secured behind a great stone that took more than one to move.
Guarded by soldiers and priests — that had no idea who laid behind this rock.
And the Refuge shook the ground and the hearts of men. Their legs trembled at the event that caused time to be split in two, for He controls eternity (it is in His Hand). And the Rock rolled away — and the men fainted at the sight, and ran.
For out of the darkness came Light — but darkness did not comprehend it, and fled at its presence. For even satan, had no idea — and his legion was thrown into chaos, and had no leader in that moment.
And evil lost its power over the sons and daughters of man — the flesh that had been corrupted, had been given a way out. Souls were set free — even wise righteous men that had died before, were seen walking about the land in that atmosphere of Resurrection.
For a power had been released — a breath that had broke through the veil, the curtain of the Holy of Holies (which was torn in two), and filled the dead lungs of man.
Search your heart this morning — night has fled, and you are alone, but for the Light of God, which searches deep within you. With His Light — confess that which is not of the Kingdom of God, and let it go.
Just let it go.
God — who has need of you — says, “I am your Refuge . . . “