40 Days of Psalm 91 — Day 40
“With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.” Psalm 91:16
His rain comes at a time when it is needed — in the midst of your life, there are moments where a Holy thirst takes over and becomes a consuming passion — requiring a quenching, inside of you. It is where the heart takes over and the mind remains silent.
The Breath of God is released today — these are sounds you have not heard before, coming from the depths of your being, in the essence of His Presence that is living inside of you. There is a night — gathering; angels are being sent into the world to support you.
Time has been shaken, and is constantly being shifted (a collapsing and an expansion) — orchestrated by God’s Breath. It is in the days that are short, that more salvations will come — be ready in that window, as His Breath is released — and the environment is prepared for new life.
The Wind from Heaven, fills your lungs — equipping your life for the next step. There will be whispers from His Throne Room, of Holy Promises and Holy Love, heard clearly — orchestrating every step, every word coming out of your mouth.
For the overflow of the heart has begun. The hole in the sky, is not there by coincidence — it is an open heaven, brought about by God’s House of Prayer. His Voice comes to the world easily, due to the prayers and worship released in those moments of despair, when you thought God did not hear you. But it was necessary, to know the lows and the highs — from which you have gained much experience and wisdom.
Christ’s Love floats in this river and invades your being, flowing into and through you.
It goes forth and the darkness shatters.
Know that God is directing you, and He will not relent until every child has been invited and knows the truth, and decisions are made (to believe or not).
Listen to God’s Whispers — His Words that come in those quiet times.
These are moments of quiet and laying beside still waters — where a gentle breeze always blows, and His Touch is seconds away. Let the Words become Life inside of you — Let Wisdom and Discernment be an ongoing discourse.
A New Life has begun — as the wind still whispers your name.