40 Days of Psalm 91 — Day 6
“You shall not be afraid of the terror by night . . .
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” Psalm 91:5a, 6
Come into the House of the Lord today. Leave the sickness behind; don’t wear the clothing of sickness any longer. Walk in good health, through the Word of God.
It is His Will that you be strong and healthy throughout your walk here on this earth. You are a testimony of what God has done and you bring this Truth into the world as a Light that exceeds any brilliance of the sun.
This is a day of no fear, no anxious thoughts.
A day of courage is upon you, even though you think of yourself as a Gideon — who was hesitant to take up the Lord’s standard because of an injured self image. You are a Godly man and woman, that walks in Truth — and the enemy will project as much he will be allowed to, onto your thoughts.
But your heart is secure in the Lord and when He speaks Truth into you — you know it is real.
The Heart above all things, must be filled with His Presence.
It is a requirement for advancement in your growth as a believer — to allow the Holy Spirit to displace all things of this world, and drive out all darkness. It is a release, letting go of the hold that the world has on you.
Breaking through this wall, this vapor — that stands before you, will be a challenge to your mind, but not your heart. Find alignment in Holy Spirit, under Jesus Christ — in Father God.
Your walk today, takes you into dark places — and the enemy must be routed out, sent away and the Lord will remove them from your path. Stay on this path, the Lord has established — it is narrow, but the footing is steady. And there are others to help along the way, that have hands stretched out — should you falter or step off this path. They will get you back on.
Dance in the face of fear.
Take the Heart of God and release it into every event.
Joy comes through this worship.
And fear cannot stand — it flees at even the slightest thought of God.
Today, the mourning is over and joy takes it place — as the sun rises.
Dance in His Presence — confound the enemy
Dance with all your heart