40 Days of Psalm 91 — Day 8
“You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.” Psalm 91:8
THINK ABOUT whether or not you believe God is just? It’s relatively easy to trust in God’s love for us. Because we have personally experienced God’s love pouring through us during times of hardship, great pain, anxiety, affliction, sorrow, and trials. And in this experience we maintain a firm conviction that the unchanging God loves us and is with us. And we know that God the Father and God the Son are united in purpose and in love for us.
But be assured that God upholds justice.
God will judge sin and disobedience: also people’s actions, their motives, secrets will be like an open book. God’s impending judgment will come in a time when we least expect it.
The good news is that the sinner will realize that his only hope lies in his repentance and God’s forgiveness at the foot of the Cross.
As believers we are summoned to be set apart, specially devoted to the service of God. We are called to offer ourselves as a “living sacrifice” holy and acceptable to the Lord. To be imitators of Christ.
Our life is to demonstrate the type of self-sacrificial love we see in Christ.
A great hindrance to presenting yourself as a living sacrifice is conforming to the pattern of this world. We live in a society that influences us with pressure to belong, conform, succeed, and possess. As our culture seeks to mold and shape us, so does the Holy Spirit.
The renewal of our mind and transformation is not our doing but His.
Our responsibility is to allow ourselves to be transformed to be led by the Spirit.
Jesus’ word to many during His time on earth was, “Go and sin no more….”