A Constant Presence
Acts 19:3–6 “And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John’s baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.”
Wake this morning singing a love song to the Lord, Jesus. Exalt His name, and no other. Invite the Holy Spirit to teach you, lead you, and speak to you. Express your love through worship and praise, let the work of your hands today speak of His goodness and hope for you. He is your Bridegroom, and you are the Bride. He established you in the Heavens, and speaks of you often to His Father. Trust in the heart of Him that saved you from death, and gave you eternal life. It is a life that is not just for your benefit, but to be expressed to all those that you come in contact with, so that they too might know Christ.
Let the elders lay hands on your head, and receive that which the Lord has promised you. Break off the sickness that lingers in your family and friends, let your brothers and sisters be revived by the Holy that is transferred just by the laying on of your hand. It is a glorious morning, and it should not be wasted. Take time to spend with Him, the Lover of your soul who calls you Beloved. It is His grace, that causes you to trust Him more, and it is available to you every morning. When your feet touch the floor, bless the Lord that you have breath in your lungs and a roof over your head. It is the Dwelling place of the Lord that covers you, and you are not alone.
Bring others into the saving knowledge, the wisdom that befuddles the intelligent, but gives power to the wise. We are to bring our offerings to him, even if it is just a song. It is the music in your heart, that bears hearing, and releasing unto the One that created it all. Build your trust, by laying your life down, and picking up your Cross. that is sharing the suffering of others. Take those that are in trouble, to the Father in prayer, and intercede for them, because you are like the Son Jesus that stands before the Father day and night. You have been seated in the heavenlies, to observe and to speak of His forgiveness.
You have the key for the most stubborn heart, where callouses will fall away, and that beating organ resounds with the cadence of Heaven. It is Jesus that makes you what you are, and it is His love within. He calls you friend. He is relentless in chasing after you, no matter your age, young or old, He is coming for you and will have you know the Truth, that He is the Son of God, and there is no other way to the Father, except through Him. It is a narrow path, but one that He has cleared of all the rubble and debris, and it is straight to the Father’s heart. Know that He is there to hold you up, He has got you by the hand, and will never let you go. Even though the heavens feel like brass at times, believe in the attendance of the Holy that lives inside of you.
A constant Presence.