a stone rolled away

IHOP_Alabaster USA
2 min readOct 14, 2022


“For you are our Glory and Joy.” 1 Thessalonians 2:20

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, permeating His Life throughout the Body of Christ, and healing is made manifest. How beautiful it is to spend time with the Father, with the Son (Jesus), and with the Holy Spirit. Grow in the value of His love, a sacrifice beyond comprehension — that a Father would sacrifice His only Son (Whom He Loves) that all mankind would have opportunity to be loved like no other.

We are in His debt, His care, and His shadow — protected against all darkness and evil. The enemy was made a spectical — where Christ took every sin — past, present, and future — thus destroying the work of the enemy. Through Holy Spirit, we are saved when Christ breathed on us. His Word is truly sweeter than honey. Our journey did not stop at the Cross, but it just began.

Love was birthed in the midst of the worst execution known to man — where even the Father turned away and could not look upon the sin, that His son Jesus took on. The clouds closed up and darkness was drawn to the lonely hill just outside of Jerusalem — what was first perceived by the devil as a soon celebration and His win over the Kingdom of God — turned into his undoing, and the blood of Christ won.

Saturating the ground beneath the old rugged cross, the earth shook in desperate angst — realizing that the just settlement of heaven’s court has arrived, and punishment began for the darkness. Even the curtain in the Temple was torn from the top down in evidence that God has stepped onto the earth, His creation. What began as an idea to rid Israel of its God, resulted in calamity for the enemy — and the Holy Spirit opened the promise on the third day.

A stone rolled away that morning — and nothing was ever the same since. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

a stone rolled away

