All the resources needed
Psalm 31:8 “And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a large room.”
Psalm 31:14 “But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.”
Say to the Lord, “Have your way.”
In Him are all things that must fill your heart, and your soul. He is the lover that will not relent, but will seek you out in the midst of every trial and event. His Love is not static, but grows continually in boldness and understanding. His wisdom is poured out on your life, where you are at this very moment.
You are the intercessor, that stands between the enemy and those that cannot defend themselves. Your life has become a Strong Tower, that the Righteous run into and are saved. For in you are a multitude of testimonies, of what God has done in your life in and through you. Each proven moment of God’s love in your life, has become a stone that no mason hands has touched. But has been completed by the Lord, and put into place by His hands only.
Nothing is too hard for you. You lift up the Name of Jesus in the middle of the night, giving every hard and difficult need to the Father, understanding that He hears your every prayer uttered from your heart. He breaks in with His Love and His Truth in those moments and the Light of His Face is seen from long distances.
Know that He has put you in a Spacious Place, where your feet will not stumble. Run into His Arms this day, for you know the height and length and depth and height of His Love. It is a testimony of His power in your life, for He has set you free from man’s doctrines and His Wisdom directs your path. Grow stronger as the day progresses, know that your bones will be strengthened as you move forward into the fray.
All of the resources needed for today, have been placed before you. It is the table set before you in the presence of your enemies. Select those items needed for this moment, it all has been paid for — by the blood on the Cross. His Life is the Body and the Blood, the Bread and the Wine. Eat and drink, be satisfied — be full.