and Continued There
Ruth 1:1,2 “Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons. And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem Judah. And they came into the country of Moab, and continued there.”
Sometimes you must leave the place of famine for a place of plenty, but then there is the return when your home again prospers. Naomi did not know what the future would be in this new place, but she followed her husband, taking with them their two sons. And after they arrived, they “continued there.”
They lived their lives as they did in Judah, following the customs and levitical principles they had been taught from the beginning, they and their two children. They continued there, and they prospered and they had food to eat and a roof over their heads. All was well, for a time. Their two sons grew into young men.
A return home is not always the conclusion to such journeys, and we must trust in the Lord for each step that we take. There are blessings from the Father no matter where you live, just as long as you “continue there.” We are a people of our experiences and teachings encountering God, and we have been trained in the way that we should go. Though sometimes we find ourselves in a culture or environment that is not like our own, or our way. As we step into these new confines, we establish ourselves as honorable people, doing business and raising a family in our new home, loving those we come in contact with. And there will be moments where people of this new land will look at you and say, “You are different!” but still you continue. They will notice that you revere and honor a God that many of them have never known.
Soon questions will be asked and then you will show your God to them, and speak of His ways, and the journey you have been on. From those moments, will come testimony of how God has moved in your lives, and has provided for you and your family. Some will believe, and others will not. But still you will continue.
Your children will grow up in this new place, seeing these other customs and culture. You must be very consistent in raising your sons and daughters, for to continue, means to be steadfast and allow your children grow up in the way that they should go, knowing God.
So today arise and meet the Father as He comes near. His ears are attentive to your heart and He hears every word and prayer spoken. For those in the new place, be the catalyst for those that are watching and do all things with integrity and honor, loving those you encounter with the love of Christ. And sometimes there will be obstacles, and live changing events that impact us greatly, but still you “continue there,” looking to the Holy Spirit to lead you on.