Applause of Jesus
1 John 3:18 “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”
Psalm 91:14 “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.”
This is how you love me. You lay down a life in sacrifice to pray, to worship and search out the deep things. The Kingdom of God came down into your midst and was crucified on a Cross. He laid righteousness, peace, and joy at your feet. An invitation written in His blood was delivered to you. Come and be seated in the heavens with Him. The cost is the Cross, which He already has paid. His love demands sacrifice for the more. Truly, this is a love that cannot be ignored. You see the Lord walking on the road, yet you do not recognize Him. He asks, “Why are you troubled?” You have no answers, other than, “Do you not know what has happened these past few days?” He asks once more, “How do you love me?”
These days are filled with stress and concerns, worries that have no place in the Kingdom of God. You over come these things with His presence, and with His word. Others want what you have, but you have not learned to give it away. Learn the ways of a King who walks with you in the cool of the evening. Trust that what He says is true and do not be like a ship being tossed on the seas. Double mindedness has no place in your life. It will end in confusion and struggle. Seated in a place of authority, you make decisions that impact the nations. Rivers are in your hands, changing the course of governments by waging war against the giants of the land. You even ask yourself at times, “Who are you?” as you look at yourself in the mirror. Find the secret place where He met with you in the first place. It was the first love, the catalyst that launched you into His wisdom, His embrace.
It has to do with your eyes. Seeing is not believing, but just one step in His direction. Hearing does not always bring truth. Look deeper than ever before, going beyond the flesh of this world. Ask for your ears to be opened, so that you might hear His voice, which is supernatural. When you hear the rumble of a river, step down into its current. Sometimes you go ankle deep and at other times, you dive in head first. Each experience brings you closer to understanding, the faith needed to move mountains. Separate of Christ we can do no good thing, but with Him, all things are possible. Stand in the water. Know that the current comes toward you and is not against you.
It has always been Him, God who leads you and orders your steps. He is the ultimate Father that leads His sons and daughters in the right way. He will lift you up when you are down. He breaks the heavy yoke off of your neck, bringing you rest in His arms. Thank Him for what He has done, then love others the same way He loves you. It is the way of the glorious church, the Bride of Christ — to love. He is so good to you and will never leave you. His promise to you, is to always be with you. This standard conquers all stress and concern. Lift it up in the midst of the crowds. Bring them to the feet of Jesus. Save the lost. Give sight to the blind. Open deaf ears.
It has always been Jesus applauding you.