baby steps
John 2:23–25 “Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.”
Displayed for all to see, this follows shortly after Christ turned the water into wine, and had cleared the temple of the vendors selling their wares. Our hearts are not our own any longer, once given to Jesus, He takes up ownership and settles there through the Holy Spirit. It is then that we are asked to sell out, to commit to a life that is filled with His presence. We are to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. But this is impossible, on our own. We cannot love without His intervention in our lives. We are asked to love God with His love. We start out small, lifting up songs to worship Him. Our body begins to transform into an instrument of His purpose, but still more is needed.
There is pruning and grafting involved, establishing us in Him, so that the strength we work out of, comes from Him. Taking steps with Him, is much like taking our first baby steps, holding onto His hand constantly. And many times when we let go of his hand, we fall, but always wanting to get back up and keep going. Then there is the moment that the training wheels come off and we are sailing along without them, but not without Him running along side. It is His promise, to never leave us or forsake us, even in the midst of trouble or great difficulty. What was once a few minutes set aside for prayer or study of His word, has now become a road that we are on, completely engaged in His life and not our own.
His Right hand is a pleasure for evermore. In time, there are paths that we take, that seemed to be away from Him, but He continues to be with us, leading us, orchestrating our steps. Doors are opened and closed many times during this journey that we are on. Our eyes become refined in the fire, effectively seeing into the Kingdom of God, bringing the prophetic word into the now, so that others might benefit from the clarity that you bring. Lives are changed from your testimony, of those events in your life that changed you, added arrows to your quiver, of moving mountains out of the way, and of catching fish. It is for that purpose that we were created, to carry the gospel, that good news of who Christ was, is, and will be to those that are perishing. He is Life.
Our very existence becomes critical the moment that you “commit” to Him, that which is of Him. It sounds hard to understand at times, but it is He that is inside of you, that actually loves God, and He becomes you, inside and out, from the depths of your heart and well spring to the actions of your hands that help others back up. And now you remember those training wheels, that first act of trying to walk, and you realize that those hands of God were endowed in the hands of those around you. Always look for those that can stretch out their hand to you as you grow in Christ, for those are Christ hands. The fathers and the mothers, the brothers and sisters in Christ, those that have gone before you and have left legacies of written testimonies.
From the old and new testament of who Christ is, and then the written works of people like John G Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and Evan Roberts plus thousands more. They were the fire starters, the igniters who gave their lives over to Christ and became like Christ, being the hands, the mouth, and the heart of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.