become the one . . .
Philippians 3:12–14 “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
May your words, “Pull me a little closer . . .” be known by God.
It is a place of solitude, that quiet place where it is just you and Him. Like Adam in the garden, He meets you there and sometimes He asks, “Where are you?” But it is in the going forth, and forgetting what is behind. Every hinderance has been destroyed by the work of the Cross, and even if it looks like a mighty mountain ahead of you ~ you can cross it. He knows the hunger that gnaws at your heart, wanting more of Him. Jesus is more than able to fulfill that need, He is the Bread of Life. The table set before you in the presence of your enemies was put there with His word that became flesh. It is His body and blood, that bread and wine that sustains you and grows you and builds you. The enemy stays at a distance, wanting to interrupt your dining experience. But angelic hosts create a barrier between this holy table and the enemy who has lost his power at the cross.
Jesus took back the keys to Satan’s authority on earth. That devil looks for ways to get the keys back, but without its power ~ he is unable to disrupt your life anymore. Up ahead you see the hill where they nailed Jesus to the Cross. There is a constant line passing by and those that shake their heads and fists at the event will wander the earth for the rest of their lives. But those who bless the Lamb, and receive salvation, acknowledge the sacrifice and the resurrection that follows. Your eyes are fixed on this moment, knowing that this one event changed everything on planet earth. There was no way out of it before the Cross, but now a door is opened for you to go through. It is a threshold that takes you to the very Throne of God.
The goal has been established in God’s son. Some call it the finish line, while others say it is only the beginning. Either way, it was not there before the Cross, and the sacrifice caused a rift in time, pouring through the transcendental orifice. A hand appeared.
It beckons you beloved, “Come inside, come closer. I am right here.”
Nothing separates you from the love of Christ. He is Emmanuel, God with us ~ who promises to never leave you are forsake you. You can not run from Him. If anything, you collapse to the ground in His presence. A holiness takes hold of your heart and soul, igniting the fragile spirit within you, and the flames burn hotter than the sun itself. The flesh on your bones fall aways into a small ash heap. The frame revealed brings new insight to your heart and soul. This is who God is; it is what He does. Cleansed of earthly desire, you become the one. A man or woman of God, burning brightly in the darkness so that others might hear your testimony and see the truth. As part of the plan, the hunger within you has been satisfied and your thirst quenched. You stand in His presence and ask, “What more do you need Lord?”
His response, “All of you . . .”