Come up here . . .
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:25
“In no way have I left you. I am with you forever, through every hard battle and difficult adverse situation.”
Endless days may come and go, but my promises are yes and amen. Trust in this. Know the intimacy of my glory, as I wrap my arms around you. Lean into me, and feel holy breath upon your neck. I will anoint your forehead with oil, and it shall drip down upon your garments until it reaches your feet. And even then, it will saturate the ground with every step that you take. Move in my will, the purpose for which you were created. My Father will direct your path, because His Spirit lives within your frame.
Clear your head of the world’s misinformation, and listen only to the Wisdom that flows from your heart. Deposit those words within your thinking, removing and supplanting every word spoken by the enemy. Eat at the table prepared before you in the presence of these same enemies. As the war rages within the second heaven, know your battle is not against flesh and blood. Your prayers and worship lift up the angelic forces for their purpose(s). Direct the ministry into the fray, and see the Father fight for you. As you spend time in the Word of God, ask for wisdom that you might understand the depths of His mystery and treasure.
It is as simple as drawing near to Jesus, as He promised, “I will draw near to you.”
Break the strongholds that the enemy has built around the children, and bring those walls down that you might rescue them. There are thousands in need of your prayers, your praise, and your worship — for there is no other way to attain the Glory necessary to turn the tide. Run into His strong tower, access the third heaven where Father God sits on the Throne of Heaven.
Exalt His Name as you enter in. Fall prostrate on your face, lifting only your hands toward His throne. Feel the heat upon your skin, experiencing the fire in His eyes. In this humble position, fast and pray. He will step down and lift you up so that you might look into His face. He is hungry for this desire in you, to look face to face. Ask what you may in His son’s name, and it will be done. This position establishes the priorities of your heart. Each breath you take while standing in the third heaven, increases your body’s ability to stand in the midst of worship — spiking the Glory around you with His love. Believe that He will answer, you have come into Heaven’s Crown because Jesus paid the price for you, which allows the access of Kingdom mysteries. His storehouse is open and He fills your hands. Training your fingers for battle and your hands for warfare. Where past battles have taken arms and legs, leaving so many with limited mobility, raise up these invalids and stand them on new feet and legs. It is time for arms to be restored, taking back what the enemy has stolen. Listen, there is a battle below you in the Second Heaven’s camp. See with His eyes, and listen only to His words.
See 1 Samuel 17:47 unfold before you, “And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.”
Break the enemy’s hold on the lost through 2 Timothy 2:26, “And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”
We are not helpless, but we are weak. For it is in His Glory that weakness is transformed into strength. Ask for breakthrough as you spend these intimate moments with the King of Heaven. Make your petition known, not through addle words, but through the compassion that reigns in your heart. Our mind can not formulate the battle plan necessary to overcome the strong man, but your heart celebrates in Christ’s achievement on the Cross releasing tidal waves of love becoming a tsunami that overwhelms the darkness with His light.
Be clothed with power from on high as 1 John 3:8 explains, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”
We are agreed in the Amen of His Glory to “destroy the works of the devil!” where a heart’s compassion fuels the fire within your bones causing an acceleration in the battle, bringing the serpent to his knees, where all will speak, “Jesus is King!”
It is a beautiful place beloved, walking in the Third Heaven surrounded by His presence with not one antagonistic voice allowed. It is a Holy place, and His glory is amazing. It is a place of rest, and your access is not based upon your works, for He already paid the price.
He simply says, “Come up here.”