darkness runs away
John 8:9,10 “And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?”
Do you hear the song in your heart, beloved?
Is it faint?
You say to yourself, “It has been a long time since I’ve heard this.”
Ever single promise He has given will be fulfilled. The answer is in your heart, stored there, waiting for that moment to release an answer. Accusations came your way and you saw no one to defend you. Guilt settled on you and sought to go deep into your thoughts and emotions. The people around you point their fingers at you, and you feel ashamed. Yet there is one standing in the midst of this throng who is not part of those accusations. Where was He a moment ago? You look at His face, recognizing such tenderness and love. Like a shepherd, He moves in between you and the accusers, those wolves at heart. You are bowed down to the ground under the weight of the shame. A hand reaches down to lift you up.
His voice is like that of a loving father. You have seen Him in the marketplace before, speaking to those that would listen. An emotion of gratitude rises gently within you, a thankfulness for this kind stranger that stands between you and possible violence or condemnation. Whispers at first come out like soft quiet sobs, thanking Him. Darkness begins to dispel and the accusers begin to leave this place. Your eyes are still cast down at the ground afraid of their return.
The man before you asks, “Daughter where are your accusers?”
Shaking your head in disbelief. This man places a hand on your shoulder and instead of pain, a quiet peace seeps deep to where the sobs were birthed.
You look into His eyes and say, “I do not know.”
He simply expresses a soft smile and whispers, “Neither do I accuse you.”
Darkness has ran away from this event, this moment when it thought it could drown you in a dark pit of despair. Light filtered in and becomes stronger, finally filling your heart and the sound you heard in your heart becomes a song of praise of thankfulness.
The Man before you expresses, “Daughter, go and sin no more.”
The song in your heart grows even stronger. As you leave this former place of darkness, you find it coming from your lips. The praise becomes louder and others hear as you walk through the city streets. They too experience the moment of forgiveness and an act where the enemy was defeated, and they smile at you beloved.
God is so good.