echo Christ’s love
Romans 13:8 “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.”
“But to love one another . . .”
In the heart of every man and woman are insights into the realm of God’s Kingdom. It is part of our make-up, for He knitted us together in our mother’s womb. We are His creation, His ideal reflection of Himself. We many times fall short in this respect. Glory cannot be released in us, unless our heart is right with God. There is a constant need to spend time with the Lord, taking in every attribute of His holiness and love. There are many people that are alone in this world, isolated from the things most important. Love drives us to intervene in lives lost in this world’s chaotic turmoil. Through gentleness and kindness, we lift up one another. Remove the weight that is on their shoulders, and replace it with Christ’s redemption.
Be the one that echoes Christ’s words. Carry His message of love into every environment. His transformational powers know no boundaries, changing even the course of mighty rivers. There is an advantage in following Christ, we have access and are endowed with His power, for it is not through any strength of our own. We are weak, but He is strong. During the moment of encounter, when you know the person in front of you is in need, release the fulness that is inside of you into his or her life. Hold the hand that needs holding, you will know the timing. Glory will flow like a river down your arm from your heart and into the one. Speak of God’s power to overcome any circumstance that they may be facing. Help direct the conversation into a relationship with the Father.
Be a witness of the Cross and the Empty Tomb. Lead them to Christ through the Father’s love and the Son’s obedience. Holy Spirit will draw them closer. Use God’s words and not your own, be a catalyst to the fire burning in your own heart, carrying the fire into theirs.