eternal witness
2 Peter 1:3–8 “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Love without hinderance, those that are put in your path. Bring Christ’s hope into every encounter, not delaying the work of the Spirit, but instead increasing its effectiveness through a heart of grace and mercy, forgiving many. It is in the wake of struggle and adversity, that true love is exposed as the only real power on earth and in heaven capable of destroying the works of the enemy. We too, as children of the Lord, should run quickly into His embrace, knowing that in His lap is the safest place. Let what you have contained not be a reservoir, but released as a wonderful river filled with currents carrying the Life of God into the places of death. See to it, that death is not an obstacle for it was conquered in the tomb. His death on the Cross becomes the fulness of His expectation in us. See what the Father is doing and complete what we were born to do.
Recently, a friend expressed that she is homesick for places she has never been before. Her heart burns for the nations, and has already frequented many parts of Africa and the world. It is her hope to stretch out her hand over these places of the world, and expose the darkness and release the light through unadulterated love. It is for these sons and daughters, that Christ accomplished the Cross and gave His live freely. At any moment, He could have asked for legions of angels to set Him free and destroy those that persecuted Him. Even after such things, His plan is always set and focused. Saul, could not escape Him, though he sought to destroy the belief that Jesus was the Son of God. Through His persecution of these believers, Christ saw a brother that would cause an entire world to consider the cost of Christ on the Cross. Renamed Paul, he too gave all in the purpose of Life, and not death.
Unlikely hearts are the most desired of God. To change the course of entire rivers, using men and women as the catalyst, once the fire consumes their heart(s). We too beloved, are called to burn bright for the nations, which starts with the neighbor across the street, the man before you on the sidewalk, or the co-worker the next desk over. We are bound to follow Christ wherever He leads. His eyes are like fire, and all is consumed in its gaze. His love goes beyond any earthly conception, though we try to frame it with worldly understanding. But our response should be, “Do whatever it takes Father God, Jesus takes us as your own, that beautiful bride. Holy Spirit inhabit us, filling the depths of our spirit with the goodness and holiness of Heaven. Make us like you.”
To be like Jesus. Pick up your cross, for to die is life. It is gain. It is a life that is amazing, filled with consequences of the heart, where selflessness is a daily approach. Of our hearts is one demand, hand it over to Christ so that we might be able to approach the throne of His Father, and call Him Abba, Daddy, Papa. The bottom line has always been reconciliation, to rebuild the relationship that began in the garden. Understand His heart, knowing that He has our good in His hands. Surely, our name is inscribed on HIs palms. Ask others often, “Have you heard about the man that gave His life for you?” The Cross and the empty Tomb, stands eternal as witness of His love.