every step of the way . . .
Ephesians 3:17–19 “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.”
Fulness of God . . .
Holy Spirit dives deep within our being, bringing the presence of God into our lives like never before. God searches the hearts that are open to His move upon the earth, for you are the legs that carry the gospel into every place. Though physically we might be limited in our travels, still the prayers within you are released and travel to the throne room of God at light speed. Break free of those earthly limitations in this moment, remove the walls and barriers from out of your way in Jesus’s name. He is the catalyst that ignites your heart and fans it into flame, a consuming fire that destroys the work of the enemy in your life. It surrounds your heart with a wall of holy flames, consuming the enemy’s arrows before they even touch you. As a child of God, choose to be hungry for more of the Father. When life seems to become too familiar, explore the depths and lengths of God’s love in His word. Move beyond these moments of the past where Holy Spirit erupted within you, for God makes all things new.
Today, His love is more in you than it was yesterday. Nurtured by His embrace and words of endearment. He encourages you to look with His eyes and see the world as He does. Even your own reflection is made new in this moment. Your eyes shine with His hope and encouragement, bringing you to a new place, a higher place. As He draws nearer, you bow lower wanting to express the depth of your heart in humility to the Father. He lifts you by the hand and gazes deep within your soul knowing you better than you know yourself. His words, spoken softly in your ear find a resting place and all of His angelic realm enter in. For the Kingdom rides within your frame, and His breath lives in your lungs and heart. When you recognize the love coursing through your veins and realize that He is at work within your bones, anything becomes possible. These are His promises becoming realized within you, being expressed by praise and worship in thankfulness as He fills you to overflow.
His work continues. And your heart, pours out love on those around you expressing the generosity of a King living inside, and never runs out, because of the hunger in your soul to know Him more.
You cry out, “Lord, I must have more!”
and just like that, love flows like a river from the headwaters of Heaven and your cup overflows. The more comes quickly, and does not hesitate. Trust leaps like a newborn calf within you, becoming a faith, courageous and true. Visions and dreams arrive, showing you the mysteries of Heaven. His ways which are much higher than our ways, are attainable through the Lamb’s blood, poured out over you. His knowledge becomes your discernment and wisdom. Your words are not your own, but aligned with Holy Spirit and released to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead to life, and bring salvation to the lost. The dwelling is made fast, anchored to your heart by a cornerstone that cannot be moved. Great is His love, the Father’s desire, to see His son Jesus in you.
every step of the way . . .