Follow Me
Acts 12:7,8 “And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And so he did. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me.”
Follow me. You will have encounters like Peter above, when the Spirit will bring you out of those places that seek to hold you fast and will not let you go. In those moments, realize that it is not a dream or a vision, but it is the Presence of the Living God that is calling you out of bondage and into freedom. Use this freedom to preach the good news, to bring salvation into the house of the lost and miss not one. You are an amazing child of God, that listens to His voice, knowing that He still speaks to His disciples. Follow fast after God, and trust in the Holy Spirit to lead you.
Break free of those old things that still linger in the depths of your thoughts, by taking every thought captive and relegating your heart to the One that gave everything to see you on the world’s platform speaking of His Truth and Love. Imagine the grace that will flood you soul, and carry you to distant places where His provision is enough to carry the message to its intended audience. His Grace is higher than ocean waves that carry you along, and will be your guide throughout your life. Let your steps be sure in this land, and allow them to carry you far.
Eat well, and drink those things that will edify your body, for your body is the temple of the Lord, and should be kept sound and holy. It is for these things that we have been set apart, to wear the Gospel like a cloak, so that all can see there is a God in the house. Beloved, come quickly when you hear your name called. Do not delay in keeping His promises, for it is not just for the Lord to keep His promises. it is the way that we believe, that when we pray, that we are in His Presence. We are transported into that heavenly realm high upon a hill where multitudes of angels sing His Praise. We are a Kingdom Come society, in which the Heavens follow us into the dark places for it carries the Light of Jesus.
Speak His name in every place, and it will be sanctified. It is a praise to shout the Name of Jesus in those areas where the enemy has been deceiving the people for long periods of time. Those in bondage will be set free at just the mention of His Name, higher than the rising sun. He is the Great Redeemer, Glorious Savior in all events, and lean on this truth to harvest those that are ready. Bring them into the Light, and shower them with blessings by welcoming them into the Kingdom of God. Know that the Angels in Heaven celebrate for each one that comes to belief in the Son of God, that He is the Christ. Sing with all your soul in these moments, blessing the Name of Jesus over the land.