From Death to Life
Romans 6:8,9 “Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.”
Life comes quickly to you this day — bringing with it the embrace of Christ. How we love you Jesus, for this one act — this laying down of your life for us. We cannot fathom the depth of your heart and love, poured out in that day. We discover that this Love, that the Father has for us — now sustains.
We are no longer dead, but alive in Him — touching the Face of God. How can it be? Like the depth of the sea and ocean is His Love for us — an image that falls short of the true understanding of His desire to remove the sin from our lives, and to take us higher than ever before. We belong on the mountain top, with Him — worshiping His Name forever and ever.
But it was in the Crucifixion of God’s Son, that we died also — taking every fleshly sin and He, removing it from our lives. It was a surgery, that as we lay dying to self — these things that had corroded our lives, our health, and our destinies — were then removed. Our hearts were renewed — in that Word (Christ) that makes all things new.
The Old Man was buried, never to be found again — and the New Life was found, and the New Life in you was brought forth, brighter than the noon day sun.