Glass Darkly
Glass Darkly
Amos 9:11,12 “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the Lord that doeth this.”
Clothed in majesty. When we look at the King, His majesty overwhelms us, more than a glorious sunrise the morning after a traumatic night, for He is the Light. We trust in a God that we do not see with earthly eyes, but our heart revels in His Presence when He draws near. The structure of our bodies cannot remain still, when our Lord appears, bringing with Him the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. Beloved, your hand is what He desires, to hold you through whatever ever events may come your way, so that He may sustain you. It is this strength that He brings with every encounter, as He steps into your heart, His dwelling place.
He finds rest in you, and He always stretches you further than you were yesterday, and prepares you for what is to come, whether it be joy or trial. He is the equipping teacher, that leads you in Righteousness for His name. He lines the walls of your heart with His word, so that it might be readily accessible, when and where needed. You must develop a hunger and a thirst that desires more, and He is the generous Father that will give such wonderful things to His children. Like a child, receive the gift of God, eagerly wanting all of it and more. His infinite wisdom teaches you the mysteries of the Kingdom, this wonderful universe that houses both the natural and the supernatural.
One day you will see with His eyes, the fullness of His creation, the beauty which will be beyond compare and any earthly imagination. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. all will be revealed, and His breath will sweep you away in His love. Let glory be released in your praise and worship, and all that would participate will be transformed by His majesty. We are heirs to a Kingdom, that will come, but we live in a Kingdom now. Our hearts are full to overflowing with Kingdom influence that can change nations. Surely, just as Christ changed the world in a moment, we will also impact the nations of the earth for His name. Be steadfast in what you believe.
Tell God, “I believe Lord, but help my unbelief!” in which He will. Again, it is His faith that is poured out on your head and runs down your body like oil until it has saturated every pore of your body. The Lord who calls you beloved, will not relent, but will leave the 99 to come after you. We are desired by the King of Kings, our hearts are His and His heart is ours. He is the Lover of our soul, and when you were born, all of Heaven rejoiced. Love the life that He has given you, and trust in Him to seat you in the heavens, where you will reign with Him forever more. While here, on this earth, live intentionally, with the purposes of the Kingdom, that all will saved, and none will be lost.
You are His favorite.