God’s daughter
Ruth 3:5 “And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do.”
As the story of Ruth is played out in the Old Testament, we see a child of God who was born in Moab, now becoming the prominent woman of God that believes in the God of the Israelites. We see the relationship of trust forming between her and Naomi, and what that truly means in a relationship with God as well. “All that thou sayest unto me I will do,” is a response of loyalty and love, wholly trusting in her teacher (Naomi) and following through on every detail.
You are like Ruth, laying down your life, and taking on a relationship with God in a land that is foreign to you. You have trusted in God for your every need, the food that you eat and the roof over your head, and the future hope that is burning inside of you. Your cry is, “Help me God!” that comes from the depth of who you are. And His answer is swift, and His promises are to never leave you or forsake you. Faith is not blind, but it is believing without having seen.
Your heart is a vessel, that has experienced pain and struggles, but yet you persevere in the presence of God, in that you have wanted intimacy and not loss; you want love, and not resentment or anger. Your soul has decided to follow after God, and to hear His voice. It is submission to the Father who holds all things in His hand, that created all things, and has singled you out as one who is found beautiful in His sight.
You have become a daughter of God.