God’s Fire
Acts 20:10–12 “And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed. And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.”
Jesus, is all over the pages of the Bible. As you take the stage to speak the gospel, and in all events, know that God is all over the pages of the Bible and He is all over the pages of your heart, which has become the host of the Word that became flesh. You are a walking Bible, whose pages flow from your heart and into a thirsty world, ready to receive what you have inside of you. They will say of you, “Surely God lives in you.” Trust this wisdom, and believe without doubt, that when you lay hands on the sick they will be healed, or if injured like the young man mentioned in Acts, who when having fallen from an upstairs window and died, was resurrected by Paul through the power of Christ that lives inside of Him. This was an act of redemption, who just months earlier had been the persecutor of those that believed in the Christ.
We live in a world of the suddenlies, where the Lord will act quickly in you, to make an impact, to influence the world around you. Miracles, signs and wonders will follow you, and these things will draw the lost to your side, where you will speak the truth, that it was not you but God who lives inside of you that healed this man or this woman. You are a vessel, a beautiful container, capable of containing the Living God, which is where He rests. There is peace within your heart today, as you spend time with the Father. Watch and listen, that you might be like Christ and do what you see the Father doing. Be blessed in your endeavors, though at times you will make mistakes, but He is quick to restore His sons and daughters.
His life was given for redemption and you are the beautiful Ruth, and he is your Boaz, that will not relent until he owns you as His bride. You were purchased at a great cost, the death of the Son of God on a Roman cross, that sanctified the world of its sin and death, returning man to God and giving opportunity to be with Him in eternity. Your view of heaven, is much the same as here on earth, because we pull Heaven down and we shift the atmosphere, and the oxygen that we breathe is not earth’s oxygen but the rarified air of Heaven, His breath that is breathed out into your lungs. You too, will have His breath breathed on you and in you, so that you might breathe into other’s lives.
The Light within you, is increasing in illumination, growing brighter day by day, until all will see His presence in you. Do the will of the Father, speaking His truth to the nations, and spending time with His Son Jesus. Andrew Murray put it like this, ‘You must consider the quiet hour, that morning watch, that some call their quiet time as important as the moment you gave your life to Christ. For in this time, the holiness prepared for you in the baptism will continue to flourish through the time spent with Him. This holy time put aside for God at the beginning of each day, will ensure that the Holy in you is impacting not just you, but many others throughout the day.”