grace comes like the rain
Romans 3:23–24
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”
Ask and you will receive. Trust without seeing. Work while there is still light. This is Faith, rooted in the Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, and spoken into being by Holy Spirit. We are never alone in this world, constantly He sees us for who we are. He calls to us, a whisper on the next breeze, speaking truth into our lives, building us up and never tearing us down. We are His glory, the creation of His hand, spoken into existence, thousands of years ago. Our heart beats with His. His exhale is our inhale.
What is the heart of the Father? For our lives to bring Him praise, knowing that He is the great “I Am.”.
Be established today in this truth, anchored in the Son’s blood, bought for a heavy price. You are the pearl of great worth that He gave everything for.
Sin has been and always will be the obstacle for all mankind to overcome. Voices bombard us constantly from every direction. We exercise the free will given to us, and must decide to believe or not to believe. Know that there is a supernatural world all around us, separated by a thin vail, waiting for those of good courage, those of faith and hunger, to come through. We live a pale life in comparison to what awaits us, hindered by deception and lies of this world. Pull back the curtain today to the truth of who God is. He is our redeemer, and waits for a yes.
It is a break through just waiting for you. Christ created the way out for all, through His life on the cross. Grace is but a breath away.