his faith is amazing
Ephesians 6:19 “And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel . . . “
Experience those things of God. Know His intimacy this day, by inviting Holy Spirit to go deeper then ever before. We are but men and women seeking God’s hope for us, and the revelation that would direct our paths. The deep understanding of the Lord goes beyond our scope, beyond our ability. But He provides a way through His spirit to come close to the mysteries that are in Heaven. His Kingdom is rift with such treasures, uncountable and unstoppable. From the moment that Holy Spirit brooded over the chaos and God spoke into the vast array, bringing peace and order. And every day since, He said, “It is good.” He is the way maker where there doesn’t seem to be a way, for our fleshly eyes are dim compared to heaven’s sight.
Be buoyed by the truth today. Walk upon the waves with the foresight of words spoken by the old and new testament prophets. For these are ordained by the one who created all things. He never stops working on our behalf. Faith is desperately needed in these times, and this comes from His hand. It is nothing that we can do of our volition, but comes as a gift. It is laid out for us through the trials and struggles that we have faced, face today, and will face in the future. Not that He put obstacles in our way, but He is sure to bring good from every hardship that we face. Be enamored by His love for us. Go beyond that safety net of your own making, and risk everything to see His Kingdom come. It’s in His word, a truth that supersedes every understanding that our worldly minds can contrive.
Know that He loves you and will not delay in His approach, coming at all times of the day or night. His promise is to never leave or forsake you. Embrace His presence, smell the fragrance around you, and recognize His influence in the decisions of the day. Believe that He will not ever let go of your hand. Stay the course prepared for you, ask for wisdom for all decisions made. Run the race, and finish what He has laid out for you. Every trial will require faith. Every struggle will require His hand in your life. Every obstacle will move when told to move, for these mountains in our lives must bow before His name Jesus. You are a voice in this world, brought to a position of authority. Speak clearly so that you might be heard, be confident in who He is in your life, and let the mysteries be revealed. It is amazing, this love the Father has for you.