Hold on . . . He is the Lord and you are the object of His Love
Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
Genesis 35:3 “Then come, let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone.”
He is the object of your Love, this Bride Groom that seeks a pure and spotless bride. The Lord overshadows you, and you have found refuge. Safety and protection are yours because of His Name Immanuel. From this word, this name, comes a holiness having previously not been understood. Your heart leans on His heart, and forever two will be one. You dance at the feet of the Lord, Him having become your Savior. There is none like Him, even in the midst of controversy, He stands ready to wrap His arms around you and bring you joy. The Kingdom also stands ready to envelop you in its presence, in its sovereignty, where a table is set and the enemy cannot come near. Go to the throne of the King, wait for His scepter, an acknowledgement that all is ready and prepared.
What kind of love is this? It fills the depths of your being with His presence. He touches that part of you, set apart for righteousness and holiness, a purity that magnifies His Name. Like a river that flows unhindered through mountains and valleys, not detoured by debris or other obstacles. You have the steadfastness to run the course laid out before you. You have been strengthened in these days, physically and spiritually. Your heart has been refined in the fire, and increased from the ember you once were. As a torch, He holds you in His hand and the light is seen from the ends of the earth and people will know that you are on fire. And they will come.
The goodness of the Lord is prevalent in these days, poured out from a Father that only has good things for His sons and daughters. You have been grafted into the vine that knows no end, and continually provides the necessary nutrients to the branches bearing the fruit established from before the beginning of time. Allow the Lord to hold you, do not pull away when it seems that the world around you is crumbling, and all feels hopeless. These are the moments in which His love is released in power and overcomes the enemy that seeks your death. Do not forget that the darkness wishes only to kill, steal and destroy the works of God. Be amazed that you have faced persecution for His namesake. It is your love of giving yourself away to the King that has found His true love, His bride, pure and spotless.
Hold on, He is Lord and you are the object of His love.