Holy Spirit . . . You are dear to us
2 Corinthians 1:20–22 “ For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now he which establisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.”
Those who are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation. Where are your accusers? Go about your way, thinking of Him who set you free. There is a place you can go, it’s just over there with Him. You draw near, and He will draw near — it’s in His promises; in the heart of the man called Jesus, who is God alone. It’s in the heart, where the battle is won. You can go there at any time. You were made for such a time as this. It is your season, Your time, and Your path. Run the course laid out before you, let the eagles catch you up on the winds of His breath. There is no other place, where you should be.
The things of this world will try to bring you down. It will weigh you down with burden unknown, though you walk in the Light, the darkness will try to hide you. But you know the way, and you know the truth, and you know the life. It is a better word, this Light that seeks your heart and seeks your mind and seeks your strength. Let your soul know, that God is King. Tell your soul, nothing else will do. No, not one earthly thing is worth His love that was spent on the Cross. He lived and died and yet, He lived again. His tomb is empty, and your heart is ready. Let the Lord who rolled away the stone that day, be the one that breaks you free from darkness’s grip.
No need to hide. There is not need to bury your shame. He takes it all; He took it all; that Cross was the deliverance you needed. You are set free, and grace is yours. Let the praise erupt from your heart, know that He is good. He values you, like no other could. He is your healer, the love that will make you whole. Your love is praise to Him, and your breath releases glory in heaven. The Kingdom is establish in your worship, like David you are powerful and yet you are His servant, you are His child, and you are beloved. You are that beloved, that He gave everything for. that those who believe that He is the Son of the Living God, known as Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us — that is the yes and the amen.
Holy Spirit, have your way in us. Teach us the Lord’s redemptive power. Break the bondage that holds to the earth. Break down the walls that seeks to encompass us. Lead us in your way everlasting. Speak words of encouragement, enlightenment, and build the body of Christ. Where the Son is now the head, and the father provided His Son, and Holy Spirit you are dear to us.