I Am the Resurrection

IHOP_Alabaster USA
3 min readSep 15, 2018


John 11:21–25 “Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:”


Understand the times we are living in. Wake with the knowledge of who Christ is and thank Him for the breath in your lungs. Reach out from your bed before you even rise and touch the face of God. He is not a God that hides or is far away, but is right by your side. It is a revelation of Christ, when you see and hear the Lord speaking to you in the midst of difficult circumstance, and in those times of joy, for He celebrates with you over every victory and success. He is the ultimate benefactor, encouraging His children and building us up in Him. The understanding that He is the head of the body, and we are the arms and legs and heart that moves and has its being within Him. We are hidden in Christ and He lives within us. Our frame, the bones that make up our structure house the Living God.

It is a given that we must lean upon His truth, the evidence of His life and death and resurrection, testified to from those who followed Him. Like them, we are called and must leave those things that have become normal to us, and pick up the supernatural element of our life, which is to trust in Him for everything. Our hearts must be trained to receive His teaching, and then stretched to receive even more. A throne requires ever more space to inhabit, for a Kingdom is alive and always moving, stretching out and covering more and more land until the world is His. For the previous landlord that gained this world through deceit must be found out, and pushed aside. His power was lost at the Cross, for God is stronger and that is who lives inside of you.

We are strengthened according to His wonderful glory and power. The reading of His Word from Genesis to Revelation is required to succeed, by finding time alone with Him and discovering His presence within the events from the Garden of Eden to the Promised Land to the Little Town of Bethlehem to the Sea of Galilee to the hill called Golgotha and to the Island of Patmos. Every event within the Bible has significance for us and has meaning in our lives, today. Martha knew the scriptures about resurrection in the last day, but failed to realize that the resurrection was standing in front of her.

There are many around us, those that we will encounter to day that live in the world, and have a belief in the King of Kings, but not understanding His power. It is to a Holy Priesthood that you have been called, to teach those that have come seeking wisdom and understanding. Bring them into the Truth, which is empowering the weak to be strong, and the blind to be able to see, and the deaf to be able to hear. He told His disciples to teach others and make other disciples. But not disciples that are powerless, but fully engaged, filled with wonder at the miracles and signs and wonders that accompanies the presence of Jesus in our lives. We cannot contain this God or box Him into a mortal understanding, but He is the God who overcame the world. You hold resurrection power in your heart, do not hinder its work or allow your thoughts to blind you to the relevance of moving in His glory.

This is true praise and worship, to believe in the one who sent you.



IHOP_Alabaster USA
IHOP_Alabaster USA

Written by IHOP_Alabaster USA

Changing the Culture - through Worship and Prayer

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