Just a Breath Away
1 Corinthians 4:1–2 “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”
Hungry? Come to the Table, and eat all that you want. Nothing will be withheld, for you have been called into the King’s Presence. Come, strengthen yourself in His Bread and His Wine, for it is His Body and His Blood. Drink until the thirst has been quenched.
You have been found ‘waiting’ on the Blessed Hope — and now, it is time to fill your hands with valuable Kingdom Treasure, your inheritance. These are Heaven’s Secrets, hidden since the beginning — but now revealed in your eyes. For the Lord has given you His Eyes to see for yourself.
Work while there is light, for darkness will come — and you must be ready, filled with Christ, that your servant heart may be prepared to win the lost souls through the power of God. For it is in the Power of Christ, that they are drawn, and not the futile words of man.
God asks of us in this season, “How far is your soul from your spirit?”
For it was in the beginning, that God breathed His Spirit into Adam. And through this breath, man became a living soul, yet the Spirit belongs to God. Man owns his soul, but God owns His Spirit. Our soul(s) have fought against God’s Spirit since Adam’s fall in the garden. Until that sin, Adam and God were one, and Adam was clothed in this Truth — not even recognizing his nakedness.
But through Christ, and the acceptance of who He is — His Spirit has enveloped our identity and lives in us as one, restoring that relationship of God’s Spirit within us. Still the soul rebells at this union, and tries to distance itself from God’s Spirit.
What can we do then? When our soul distances itself from God’s Spirit.
How far is your soul from your spirit?