just breathe 2

IHOP_Alabaster USA
3 min readSep 17, 2020


Psalm 31:24 “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”


All that we are, all that we hope to be, is wrapped up in our identity given to us the moment God wove us together in our mother’s womb. From this small, small package we come, carrying the Kingdom of God into a world in dire need of a Savior. A Savior that has already come and fulfilled the law of the ancients, breaking with the enemy, taking back what he has stolen from us. In this , we find hope. Knowing we are children, sons and daughters of the Most High God, and now take our place, seated in the heavens along side our Bridegroom. It is just like that, we repent and He redeems. We ask forgiveness, and His grace is sufficient. We declare He is God, and He sings over us, a song that we have waited for since birth.

Come this day into His palace, into His embrace knowing full well who we are. We grow into this identity, with each passing breath, for we inhale the rarified air of Heaven. We have been set apart for exploits, adventure, journeys, and love. Especially love, a place that raptures us, making us a bride adorned in white that was washed in His blood. That voice you hear, the one that encourages you and does not condemn you, that is the Lord. Like still soft whispers, He speaks truth into our soul and spirit, inflating our heart to capture the length and breadth of a Kingdom established by His hands. It is the Holy Spirit, who lives within our frame, who brings this Truth into the present, showing us where to walk, breaking with old things, removing the old man within us and making us a new wine skin, able to hold vast amounts of a Holy Drink that will satisfy every thirst.

Holiness is not achieved through our actions, but is wholly Holy, a gift from our Father through His Son Jesus. Gaze upon His lovely face, become the bride you were meant to be, the church in all His glory, shed of old ways, and made new every morning. The bride is breath-taking, standing before the Bridegroom. He is taken with us, having given everything to possess us, knowing that we will rise and be on our way, chasing Him forevermore, divorced of the devil.

All our sin removed on the Cross, through the actions of a Lamb, that took it all and cried out, “It is finished!”

Yes the season seems overwhelming, but He overcame the world. The days may seem horrendous, but He created the day and night, which always contains a morning where peace rides on the breeze and is His gift to you. Rise this morning, and take a breath. Your hand is still warm where He held it through the night. Angelic realms watch your rising, and declare it to the world. Come now, let’s be about the Father’s business. Love deeply, those in desperate need of His love. Yes, pick up your cross, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Just breathe.



IHOP_Alabaster USA
IHOP_Alabaster USA

Written by IHOP_Alabaster USA

Changing the Culture - through Worship and Prayer

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