Kingdom is at Hand
Daniel 5:12 “ Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will shew the interpretation.”
There is nothing worth more, than the presence of the Living God. It to this end, that we trust and believe that He hears our prayers, and watches over us day and night. It is because of His promise to never leave us or forsake us, that we are driven to speak with Him and He with us. It is an ongoing conversation, this friendship we have with the Father of all things. He is God and there is no other. We must be confident of these things, taking on that innocent first love, first relationship knowing that He is there and will always delivers us from trouble and heartache. We are made beautiful in His sight. We can have access at all times, to that throne room where He sits for it was established in our hearts.
Time is here that men and women are having dreams and visions, and many are troubled by what they have seen and do not understand their meaning. Both believers and non will seek you out beloved, for the interpretation of what they are experiencing. Like Daniel, God will fill you with discernment and wisdom, making you wise beyond your earthly means. When a person brings a dream to you, write it down, and before you write the last word, He will have given you the understanding that you seek. Do not be in a hurry, but wait on the Lord for this interpretation, and give it generously to those that are seeking the truth. You will be authorized to change the course of rivers, and directions of governments.
You will find yourselves in the positions of authority, whether at local or at world levels. You must keep the truth deep inside of you, believing that He is always there, hearing you at all times. It is this truth. Like Moses contended with the people of Israel when they thirsted in the wilderness, you too must ask of God, “What must I do with these people?” For it is in the statement by those that do believe, “Is God for us or against us?” You must encourage and place within these people the rock solid truth, that God always hears their voice. After everything that God has done in their lives, the people of God should know that God is always with them.
It is not a measure of what they see with their fleshly eyes, but that which is of the heart. Taking every thought captive, and lean not on their own understanding, but they must have faith and trust on the Living God that created all things. Those that thirst for an interpretation of their dreams or visions, give it to them as God speaks through you. Stay steady in relationship with God, for it is only we, the us that would leave the relationship and start leaning on our own flesh. He never leaves us or gives up on us. It is with that truth and that truth alone, that you can move mountains in the effort to expand the Kingdom of God. Pull up the tent stakes and move with the Presence of the Living God, who dances within your heart. Be filled with righteousness, peace, and joy, knowing that the Kingdom is at hand.