love, without exception
1 Corinthians 13:1–3
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.”
“The love of God is the first duty of every man, and this springs from just views of his attributes or excellencies of character, which afford the highest delight to the sanctified heart. Esteem and reverence constitute ingredients in this affection, and a fear of offending him is its inseparable effect.” Noah Webster 1828
His presence in our lives is expressed through love of others, it is tangible, an action and a movement. Nothing compares to acting out of selfless love, brought to the moment in a person’s life, where desperation cries out for help. Love ignites our heart, consumes us inside, drawing us into desperation’s event, to quell the hurt, the pain, the hardship, the lack, or the evidence, with God’s impact, in us and through us. Touching another life or lives, creates an environment where prayer effectiveness is increased, the words coming from your heart gain momentum, and heaven draws near.
When we say, “Here I am Lord. Take the coal, cleanse my lips, use me,” is the moment when we cast off of earthly garments, and clothe ourselves in His love.
Sown into the DNA of every human on planet earth is the ability to love. It is the one attribute that defines us beyond all other created things. Love can be mechanical at times, but yet its root still drinks from God’s vineyard, from His river and answers come, prophetic words break down walls, and faith grows by leaps and bounds. It’s the moment when minds are at a loss of what to do next and sleep is nonexistent, then love’s transitive
power establishes a connection with the Godhead and lives are changed, mysteries are revealed, healing flows, and eyes that were once blind, see.
Great is our Father in Heaven that teaches us to pray to His son Jesus Christ. This love of a Father that gave everything to save an entire world of people, past, present, and future expresses the one thing necessary to succeed in every endeavor, every action that you put your hand to. Like a fragrant oil, beyond price, He lavishes it upon our bodies so that we are Christ’s representatives on earth, touching the ends of the world. Where money will not buy healing, the loving touch of a hand restores a life to fullness. We are the arms and the hands of God. We are the legs that walk into dark places to rescue those in bondage, those in prison, those captives waiting for someone to love them.
Freedom comes at the keys of love, speaking effectively in any given situation, not necessarily from experience, but the God breathed Word inhabiting your being. The perfume of His love rises in the air and everything is transformed.
It is love, without exception.