Psalm 29:11 “The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.”
Read Proverbs 29
Our eyes are not our own. What we see with our eyes, God also sees. God pursues His children to the ends of the earth. He is an all consuming fire, that burns forever — with Holy Passion and Love for all. He calls each of us by name, and knows everything about us. Attached to each of our names is the power of Peace, for Christ reveals Himself in us us and through us.
It is His Glory, that comes down through worship touching each of us and transforming our lives. His Life replaces that of our own breath, with His. We breathe Peace onto others, bringing understanding and wisdom from His Kingdom. Wherever we go, the Kingdom of God goes with us. What do you see today?
Let no vile thing come before your eyes in these days, but fix your eyes on the things of Heaven. Let the Kingdom Come in you and through you. Forever, strengthen those around you. Know that Peace is not static, but is always in movement, always touching lives that are in turmoil. We grow exponentially when Peace is our passion. We are called to bless Israel and Jerusalem with peace. It is an element of who we are, believers that run hard after God.
Trust the Peace of God to restore and to strengthen you in times of stress or difficulty. Bring this Rest into every environment, letting it change everything. Know that Worship is a catalyst of Peace, rearranging the landscape to arrest all violence, and stop all works of the enemy. Be at peace today beloved, for within you is a jewel, a pearl of great worth, that Christ gave everything for.
This Peace is a treasure, a legacy to be passed down to all generations. It is the promise from God, this Peace that He said He will bless us with.
Peace I give to you.