Preaching the Cross
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18
The power of God lives in you and I. It is nothing less than it was two-thousand years ago. And now, its power resonates within us, like energy that courses through a transformer — looking for an outlet. We are a vessel, a cup that is intended to overflow and cause reaction in those around us.
Remember, this Light is brighter than ten-thousand suns and so precise, that even the number of hairs on our head are counted. Our DNA is a reflection of Christ, and all things work together for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. We are conduits, to touch the nations and those that we come into contact with.
A couple of days ago, an elderly woman passed by moving very slowly and you could tell she was in a fragile condition. She had an oxygen canister strapped to her waist and breathing tubes leading up to her nostrils. As she passed by, I didn’t introduce myself or my wife — but instead the question just came out, “How long have you been on that oxygen?”
From that one question, she poured out a lifetime of struggle against cancer — and that she had victory over the cancer. We asked if we could pray, that her breathing be set right and would no longer need the oxygen. She immediately said, “Yes dear, please pray.”
How many others are waiting for someone to ask, “Can we pray for you?”
The elderly woman’s name was Sharon, and we did pray — and released the power of ten-thousand suns into her body, not because we were special — but because God says — the power of the Cross to those that believe is the power of God.
We didn’t see immediate improvement in her condition. But later, we saw her walking along again — and her step seemed to be much lighter and her strength in her stride appeared to be much stronger — and there was a smile on her face.
Continue the release the power of those ten-thousand suns into Sharon and others — for we know its catalyst was the Cross and it was never intended to be forgotten, but used every day since.
We are the sons and daughters of the Most High God.