Prime the Pump
Acts 14:8–10 “And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked: The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.”
He leaped and walked. A couple thousand years ago, a man sat on the ground like he always had, for he was crippled in the feet and could not walk. Everybody knew the man, and realized he had been this way since birth. He had been intently listening to Paul preach in the town square. But now, here is the same man leaping about and walking as if he had walked all his life. He gave praise to God, and continued to be a testimony of God’s love most possibly unto his death. He had not been deaf that day, and heard the words of Paul, which were about the Christ, His birth to death to life. God has not deserted us, but waits for the primer in the well to exert pressure so that the water might rise and heal all that are listening.
You beloved, are an excellent example. You carry God’s testimony in your heart and share it often in the midst of people, and when the words of your heart are released through your mouth, the water rises, and all are healed that had been sincerely listening to the words. Just let His beauty overwhelm you this day, and He will fill your cup to overflowing. There are many things ahead, where you will need the presence of God flowing heavily in you and through you. He is always with us and will never forsake us. It is His calling on your life to pour out the Word of God, that wonderful Good News, that is God breathed.
His Word, the scriptures which you have read multiple times will not relent when you speak them. Surely the Word of God will never return void. And you are the carrier of such things that come directly from the Kingdom of Heaven. Let the Righteousness, and Peace, and Joy flow like a river current, where the confluence of these elements merge and take their place before you. Like when Moses led Israel out of the bondage in Egypt, and they followed the pillar of a cloud during the day, and a pillar of fire at night, so they could travel both day and night through the wilderness. Now we have a torch aflame within our hearts, that consumes all the flesh and earthly wants leaving only the desire of Christ in you, because you have laid down everything for Him, that gave everything for those around you.
Like a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wing, so you too will gather those that are lost, and you will protect them with the Word of God. This Word is deep within you and is like the water in a well and you are the primer, that exerts the pressure upon the shaft and draws much from the pure life giving water below and it will overflow greatly. The Lord comes to you today, because you value His Presence, and it is this presence within you that stirs the atmosphere changing the environment to one of great faith. And as you speak the Word of God confidently and with boldness, there will be those that are crippled, blind, deaf, and near death. Prime the pump beloved, and you will not be disappointed a day in your life.