see what God sees
2 Peter 3:9 TPT
“This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with his promise to return, as some measure lateness. But rather, his “delay” simply reveals his loving patience toward you, because he does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance.”
Walk in HIs goodness. Trust in His promise. Believe.
Like the father with the ill son said to Jesus, “I believe, but help me in my unbelief.”
Some of the pain that we experience now, will eventually bear much fruit, becoming a legacy for our children and our children’s children. We are in a season of seven years, which actually started on May 28 2021, which in the Hebrew calendar is 17 Sivan 5781. Why is this a season of seven years? I do not know. That is up to God.
I could say, “I am just the messenger.”
Whether the number is seven years, or forty-nine years, or a thousand years, remember to God, a day is as a thousand years. Our hearts are on fire for more of Jesus. Our thoughts daily return to the Cross, and examine the horrible wonderful act of laying down His life for us, over two-thousand years ago. Still we fall to the ground in angst at such a sight, laying prostrate until His hand is offered to lift us up. The pain is still real, the blood still flows, its power always increasing, never failing, always expectant to heal and restore that which the enemy has saw for harm.
We glory in His love, embraced by His arms and lifted to a higher place. Just as in the resurrection, where Jesus descended, then ascended to the Heavenly place of authority, standing at the side of His Father’s throne. We have such a powerful intercessor standing in the gap continuously for us, no matter the circumstance. It is even in the way that we look at others, and how we love them (him or her, brother or sister, son or daughter). We are a family, a righteous bride set apart for eternity, ready. Sometimes. . . .
We are not weighed down with burdens, for He said, “My yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
We forget that sometimes. We pick up too much, too great a load for our arms, which is sometimes placed there by the devil, representing light.
But God, He straightens things out, brings us to the mirror once more and addresses us, as more precious than silver, more valuable than gold, and more beautiful than diamonds.
Look in the distance, maybe toward the east if that is best for you. Look at the horizon. With the physical eyes, you might see buildings, others might see pastures or fields of green, still others might see mountains or oceans or beautiful lakes. God sees the same view all at once, but His sight sees the people spread across the land hidden by the beauty or ugliness, His sons and daughters. He knows us better than we know ourselves. There is nothing that we can conceal from Jesus.
So today, God says, “Lay down your masks. It is time to reveal to yourself, by spending time at the mirror. Clean the glass. Clean your glasses, or yet ask Me to heal your sight. For you to be able to help others, you must first know yourself. That includes loving Me with all of your strength, all of your mind, and all of your heart.”
There will be boxes and bags, drawers and coverings, and a multitude of hidden places revealed. Each will be emptied of the world’s possessions, and then each container will be thrown into the fire, to be consumed. You will not need these compartments any longer. You will be, the same as you are with your parents, as you are with your friends, as you are with your fellowship, as you are with fellow workers, as you are with strangers.
What a weight, that is about to be lifted off your shoulders. Freedom is coming, and identity will and is being released.