See What You Can Accomplish
Deuteronomy 33:3 “Yea, he loved the people; all his saints are in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet; every one shall receive of thy words.”
Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Trust. This a word that is deep within our heart and is used when we do not see the outcome of a situation or event. Its siblings are Faith and Hope, which when embraced from the Kingdom of God, transform the environment in which you live and breathe. In the stillness, when the din of the world seeks to grab your attention, and you force the quiet upon your soul, a light shines in the distance. This light moves toward you, bringing that sustaining will, that will make you steadfast in the face of every unrest. You will be made strong when you are weak, your patience will not fade in the course of His presence approaching. There is a wonderful lift that occurs in our heart and mind, as we face the giants that assail us and there before you on the ground are three small stones. In your hand is a sling.
There in the meadow is a grassy place and you are able to rest. It is surrounded by beautiful trees covered in green, and a slight breeze catches you off guard bringing with it solace in knowing that God is with you. It is a green pasture prepared for you, away from your enemies, set apart for you and the lamb. A little further down this path that led you here, is a place of quiet waters, stilled by His hand, moving with a rhythm that sings of peace and joy. As you walk along its bank, there is an audible song that floats on the breath of God, that breeze that caresses your heart and thoughts. You find your self singing words you have never know before, but yet they have significance and the Lord responds in kind. A conversation is had with the God of the universe, and His words carry healing and deliverance.
Life is in His breath, and you are overwhelmed with the restoration that takes place within your soul. Your heart previously broken by events of the world, now sewn completely whole, but also having a newness about it. As if you have been born again, and your heart is brand new beating strong within your chest and carrying not just your blood to the farthest regions, but His blood. It is a pleasureful feeling, to know that righteousness flows within your veins. And the oxygen that it carries is the rarified breath of heaven, His breath. He has stolen you away in this quiet place, where peace reigns as He guides you to the left and the right, onward moving, and never failing. In this place of solitude, there appears before you a dark cloud. Some apprehension arises, but is quickly put aside. His hand is upon your shoulder and His words go before you, a lamp unto your feet.
The darkness is illuminated by His love, as you step down into this valley of the shadow of death. Revelation comes in this place, that it is but a shadow and nothing more. For the enemy has been displaced from his authority and he has no real power, other than what you give him. And you are able to walk through unharmed, at peace, filled with His presence. It is an unlikely supernatural peace that accompanies you through the shadows until you have reached the place you belong. It is a table prepared just for you, and now your enemies surround you, but they can not come close for the table is set with the bread and the wine, the body and the blood of the Lord, that Lamb of God, the darling of heaven. Sitting down, seated in this heavenly place, taking a position of authority, and just see what you can accomplish when the Kingdom of God is with you.