Showing Love to a Thousand
Exodus 20:2–6 “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy (love) unto thousands of them (generations) that love me, and keep my commandments.”
All you want to do is lift your hands, honoring the one who gave it all. It is a mercy beyond comprehension, that a father would give His son to die for our sin. We welcome the cross in our lives, and the blood that poured out on that day. For it delivered us from the enemy’s hand and placed our feet on higher ground. With the Resurrection came a positioning in the heavens, seated in a life that is experienced now. It is a present reality, this life that we live. For it is in Him and through Him that we have our being, and it is His presence that transforms our lives into that of Godliness and Righteousness. Surely, He lives to intercede on our behalf before the Father day and night, securing all that would believe on His name.
We stand in awe of His love, smitten with its kindness and unrelenting pursuit of those that still do not know Him as Lord. He gives His love away freely and forgives our sin, for He carried it to the Cross and death lost its power over us. We have these promises, that whosoever believes in the Father’s Son, will not perish but have everlasting life. And we must stewart this life even now, before our mortal death. It is an exclusive gift, meant for each one of us, where His blood purges us of all wrongs confessed to Him and reaching into the Kingdom, we must pull the Righteousness, Peace, and Joy into our lives so that they might be full. We are transfigured in His presence, even the fragrance that we carry is changed, emitting a powerful scent that cannot be denied.
Power and Glory to the Lamb this morning. For we are a people that exist to bring Him praise. Our appreciation for being adopted, grafted into the vine that never dies, is without end, thanking Him for this gift and His Son. Kings of this earth come and go, but this King was not of this world but of the Heavens, and He exists and lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. This throne set up within our frame causes our steps to be orchestrated, and each event a learning experience. Every breath that we take is an exhale of the Father, that gave us not only a mortal life, but a life to be spent with Him in the Kingdom of God. We trust absolutely in these promises. Without His mercy and love, we are unable to keep His commandments. Not one measure of earthly strength enables us to keep His instruction, but through the Cross and the Lamb who was crucified, we are more than enabled but empowered with Kingdom authority.
The Spirit of God exists in us and through us, directing our paths and proving His love through testimony after testimony, working all things to His good. Today, we are made new all over again, the time spent in His word is the food that we hunger for and His blood is that new wine that never runs out. Beyond the earthly material possessions that we have, is the gift of eternal life that must be watched over and kept close, growing it through a supernatural love that has been given to us, not to keep but to be given away frequently. Drink deep of this love, let it overwhelm you. Be the cup that overflows today.