so much more
John 10:14–15
“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.”
What worship could rise to such love?
He is so full of compassion, that when He bleeds, the blood becomes a living river flowing out of Him and into the world which He died for. Though the life given on the Cross was over two-thousand years ago, its relevance touches the past, the present, and the future. The grace poured out, never runs dry, never gives up, becoming a life force seeking those that are dying and providing a way out. He is the God of the way out, leaving sin and death behind, for both are one in the same. In thankfulness to His sacrifice, we lift His name up in the gatherings, whether public or in secret. We bless the Name of our God, Jesus who is Lord of all and has taken is place beside the Father in Heaven. As a deposit, which means a return is always imminent, always before us, the Holy Spirit was given to us through His breath.
Adoring the Holy Spirit that lives within us, in this earthly frame brings us into relationship with the Father and His Son Jesus. He is our link, our communication with the Kingdom, that if given the opportunity, will pour out answers to the greatest mysteries and explaining how a death on a Cross bought redemption for all mankind. It is just the way it is, this promise to never leave or forsake us. We are His creation, men and women made in His image, raised from the dirt with His breath into life. This heart that beats within our chest is not by accident, not by coincidence, or other manifestation, but is intentional with purpose.
Each step we take is orchestrated by Him if allowed, for the will within us was freely given, and it is only through this spiritual alliance, that of a King giving up everything to reintroduce us to His Father. Our desires that rise within our heart were planted there by His Father, before we were even born. Access comes through laying down the will given to us, and accepting His. Like sheep of His pasture, we know our Master’s voice and we come running in the midst of every event, when He calls. It is not out of discipline, but a quiet love purchased by Jesus out of His own life. It is a crazy idea, that a Bridegroom would give up HIs life for His Bride, stepping down to earth in a physical form, that of a baby born of a virgin and given a life from infancy to adulthood.
Just the way He breathes life into us, which never runs out, there is so much more. His life for us, is a gift that is always with us, and never expires until the moment we take our last earthly breath. We are given every opportunity, even in our dying moments, whether conscious or not. His invitation waits for you to say, “I love you.”