something always changes when I bless your Name
Colossians 1:21,22 “And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled”
He has made a way where there was no way. He is the miracle worker, the utmost God bringing life to those that are dead. It was a giving, a premise of God the Father to restore what the enemy has stolen. He exacted a heavy toll upon His son Jesus, who gave His life willingly to save yours. It was through the stripes and the blood poured out, that the earth was granted mercy and grace. That all, whoever believes on the son Jesus will not perish, but have everlasting life. It is not just a life to be spent forever in heaven, but now in this moment, it is yours. He is the Father of Glory, which whet the appetite of mankind, showing a narrow path back from destruction, in effect rescuing your soul from the flames of hell.
From our lips comes a praise overflowing from our heart, which separates us from those that are perishing. There is a peace that surpasses understanding. It rests on us the moment our heart turns to the Cross and gives up possession of the flesh which imprisons us with chains, formerly binding us to the tree called knowledge of good and evil. As the flesh separates from us, being cut away with the Word of God, which is sharper than any sword fashioned on earth, and leaves that which was first birthed in the garden. The testimony becomes evidence of our lives now transformed into an image of His son Jesus. It is a wonderful attribute to look like the King and to hear the Father’s voice in our heart. With it, we can move mighty mountains out of the way, and work with the Lord in regaining past lost territory stolen from us by a serpent.
The flesh must be consumed. The soul and spirit must be reconciled to the Father. Jesus is the landowner who now owns a thousand cattle on a thousand hills. We are His and He is ours. Holy Spirit must be allowed to enter our hearts, and set up housekeeping, intertwining himself with our thoughts and actions, becoming the orchestrator of every step that we take. It is not control that He asks, but the giving of our will to fulfill that which the Father originally intended. We were set free from bondage, now become servants, then brothers, and ultimately the bride of Christ. It is His blood, the wonders of His love that has captured our heart and imagination, speaking prophetically of what is to come. See your self beloved, as the Lord sees you. You are dressed in white, and you are more beautiful than diamonds, more precious than silver, more valuable than gold.
But now you are a pearl of great worth, that has been reconciled to God.
Something always changes when I bless your Name . . .