Sound of a Mighty Wind
Acts 1:1,2 “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”
Sitting in the midst of these believers, waiting on the promise of God’s counselor, the Holy Spirit, there is a rumbling, the sound of wind coming. The place is shaken and we are undone. There is none like the Father, who will not relent in bringing His sons and daughters into His embrace. He sent His only Son Jesus, and now the preparation for the next step in the Kingdom of God, that Heaven comes down to earth in a small upper room where about a hundred and twenty have squeezed into. During this time, prayers and worship are nonstop, and words are being spoken straight from the Heart of God.
He stops at nothing, this God that we adore. Give thanks in the assembly, for what He has done and what He will do. We are forever in debt to the Father, especially having grafted the gentile into the vine that never dies. We are becoming one new man, this being so filled with His Spirit, that the difference between Christ and man become so minimal, for we are being transformed into His likeness. We are being perfected by the Grace and Mercy of God, that overcomes Justice every time. We receive this gift as Love, a changing of our heart for His and a place created deep within us that houses His Spirit. We glory in this fact, that we are His and He is ours.
It is overwhelming at times, this gift of the Cross, and the power of the Resurrection. The two things that Jesus taught his disciples shortly before His ascent to the Right Hand of the Father was that He would do so much more than He ever did while physically on earth, and the second was that He would do it through us, His disciples, His bride. He has captured us with His gaze, with just this one look of the Father, it burns deep within our heart with the fever of ten thousand suns. Surely, it is a wonder that we are not consumed by this Holy Fire, but now the Holy Spirit comes, in the sound of a mighty wind, the same power that threw the stone away from the tomb opening, and raised its inhabitant back to life.
He has been so good to us, and so kind. It is the overwhelming reckless love of God, that chases us down, leaving the 99 to find the one. He gave Himself away for us. How wonderful it would have been to just breathe in that same environment where the disciples sat praying and worshiping. It is the very exhale of Christ, His Life given freely for us, making us the Father’s sons and daughters. He still stands before the Father, interceding for us day and night. He does not relent one moment, in going after us, till we are overwhelmed by His Love. Let Glory be on your lips today beloved, releasing Praise in the direction of the Son of God. This God, is our Hope and expectation, to see the Kingdom Come today. We wait on Him, and the sound of a mighty wind.