sweet justice, wonderful mercy, incredible love
John 1:29 “The next day John saw Jesus coming unto him, and said, Behold that Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.”
Only the lamb is worthy. His sacrifice on the cross was the last required sacrifice on planet earth. This event changed everything, making a way where there wasn’t a way before. It became a way of redemption, returning us to sonship and daughtership with the Father. It was birthed out of a love that transcends any earthly claim or ability. God was and is at the center of it all. His great love for the world that He gave his only begotten son. Jesus took your place (my place) on the cross, taking with it all of the sin and all of the shame that would prevent us from approaching the Father. It was the greatest gift God could give us. Imagine giving your only child to save others. What kind of love is this? Our hearts can scarce take it in. Doubt was wiped away through the blood of the lamb, and in His misery and hardship, came our birth as a new creation.
From the moment Christ was born in a manger, angels drew near in anticipation of a plan rolling out, that even they did not understand. There was a level of holiness introduced to the earth in that manger so many years ago, that is still flourishing across the face of this earth. Martyrs have died for this child who was born of a virgin. In fact entire wars have been fought in His name, yet He came as the Prince of Peace, the everlasting, the Bright and Morning Star. It was the love of the Father released in the flesh, becoming the Word which was God breathed. His life was a testimony to the world, past, present, and future. This testimony speaks of incredible hope, in the face of horrible adversity, but still calls us to move forward in to the fray. We are children of the King, and are trained as warriors skilled in battle.
In the midst of this love, is the battle for truth. Holy Spirit was and is tasked with being our counsel and breath, bringing resurrection in His wings, as we tackle the life laid out before us from birth. Every obstacle was thought of, and an exit strategy provided for each. We are versed in overcoming these walls placed before us, whether through travail or worship. Our hearts intentionally line up with the Holy Spirit’s orchestration of our lives, and only get out of sync when our thoughts are influenced by the darkness. We are creatures of the light, and cannot function without it. Like a well being dug deep into the hard ground, we wait for the light to tap the flowing water deep within us. In that moment of release, the life within us becomes not our own, but His. We give back to God our lives that He saved through His son Jesus and the Kingdom of God has never been the same since.
sweet justice, wonderful mercy, incredible love