the Joy set before Him
Psalm 73:25,26 “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.”
The King is seated on the Throne and all authority has been given Him. Stand in awe of His goodness, His love and Sacrifice. We find our solace in Him, a peace that never ends but lives and has its way within us. Cry out today for the Presence of the Living God, celebrate who He is in your life. Truly, your identity was spoken into existence through Him. Your name is written on the palm of His hand. He carries you through every tough trial, each difficulty that seeks to steal your hope. Lift up the Name of Jesus in Sanctuary, worship with all that you are. Believe that the person in the mirror is you, a representation of Christ on earth. You have received a fiery legacy, a holy moment in the wilderness, to stand in His presence. Your burden is light and your yoke is easy because of what Christ accomplished on the Cross.
Know the truth, that time stood still in His agony. Every sin, sickness, injury, disease, stress, concern, worry, and fear was nailed to the Cross through Jesus. He took on this burden to reconcile you to the Father. He laid down His life for yours. The joy set before Him as He walked up Via Del Rosa carrying His cross was you. He saw you with each swing of the hammer. Every stripe and wound he suffered crystalized His vision of you. He knew you before you were in your mother’s womb.
Your name is His joy.
Be the person you were created to be. Walk in obedience to His love. Let Holy Spirit speak to you and teach you great and wonderful mysteries of Christ. Trust Him more today than you did yesterday. Live up to the expectation of the King. You are a son or daughter of the Father, now a Bride unblemished in His sight. Father so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten son. Transform this place into the Kingdom. Stretch out the canopy, pull up the tent stakes, expand the Kingdom across the earth. Let hope arise within your heart, knowing that each breath you take is God’s exhale. Be encouraged, He has overcome the world.