Ultimate Life Guard
Galatians 6:2 “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”
Step into your role, as child of God. Today is a new day, and the sun has risen upon your walk. Light from heaven will cover your steps, and you will stretch out the tent from yesterday. Pull up those tent pegs, and move them out another ten, fifty, or a hundred feet. You are not limited by Christ, only by your own will. Submit yourself to the Father, and become the servant that will serve without doubt. Know that the position you are in is God sent, and you can run the course laid out before you. He has given you authority, and it is sealed upon your head and heart. A Cross is engraved in these walls, that can never be removed. You are attached to the Kingdom of God, and you walk streets created by Christ.
Know the direction of your day. Be not haphazard in your walk, be thoughtful and always in prayer. Talk with the Father, His Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Know that His voice is heard in your heart, so let your ears be attentive to what transpires there. Your heart is a temple, that holds holiness and righteousness. The heart will provide you with wisdom, so that you can stop the enemy from attacking the helpless. You have advice to give today, and you will be asked about this God in Heaven. Be ready to answer every question that arises during this conversation. Speak with the Love poured out on Calvary. Let your words be refined in the fire of His Blood that covers over all wounds and makes sickness leave.
Command those angels standing by your side to minister to the brokenhearted, direct their paths, and open up the doors that have been locked for generations. You have great grandparents that prayed for you before you were even born. You have a legacy of success and victory in the Kingdom of God. You must know that forever and ever, His Kingdom reigns. There is no evil, no darkness, no burden that is greater than His Kingdom. His will is that you would believe in His Son Jesus, and cause others to believe through your testimony and the miracles that follow you. You will be amazed at God’s involvement in your life, for you have given your soul and your heart and your strength to the cause of saving those that are in bondage, those that are drowning, and those that are dying.
You are the absolute Life Guard, of those entrusted in your care today. Your prayers are powerful and effective, for the righteousness that you prayed for has arrived with the morning light and is saturating your being with holiness and goodness. Be filled with His Presence, for everything operates out of that. You are nothing without Him, but you are everything with Him. It is the age of reconciliation, the season where the harvest is and will be great. Celebrate your victories, know the One who is sending you intimately. He is the Lover of your soul, and the foundation on which you step. Great things are ahead beloved. Save those, that don’t even know they are dying, by your love, which is Christ.