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Psalm 119:14 “I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.”
Let us bless the name of the Lord today, for He has saved us and set us free from captors that sought to kill us. It is the Glory of God that shines His light upon us, illuminating every aspect of our identity. We are a chosen generation, seeking His face with the knowledge that He is findable. He does not hide from us, but instead seek us out. It is that promise of His, that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. We are the object of His love, of His plan since He designed us and shaped us out of the earth of the land, and then breathed His breath into us. His greatness is praised throughout the land, no matter the current events that would seek to distract us from our purpose.
That of loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength is of the highest priority. Then stepping into relationship with those around us, with a love that cannot be stopped. For if we love God in the way that He asks us, then He endows us with a Heavenly love that cannot be quenched by earthly things. We become strong towers, for those that are in harms way, to run into. We are made righteous in His sight, from the gaze of His eyes to the drops of blood poured out from His son Jesus’ body in that absolute moment of purest love on the Cross. My God how great thou art, which does speak to our soul, causing an eruption of praise, breaking free of those elements of this world seeking to entrap us.
Our hearts are healed in His presence, making us pure in His sight, so that His love may be placed within us, deep within us, creating an overflow that rises within us like a deep deep well bringing to the surface the purest and freshest water. It is a moment in His embrace, that speaks of things to come. Those holy instances, where His rapture shakes us to the core of who we are, and we become us, and through an outpouring of His love, glory is released back to Him in worship. In the day, where there is still light, move forward and speak to every mountain standing in your way to be moved and thrown into the sea. And then when night arrives, light the wicks that have been kept trimmed and vessels filled with virgin olive oil, lighting the darkest atmospheres.
We are light and we are glorious in His sight. We are the lamps that go to the ends of the earth with His light, igniting dying embers, bringing the Holy Spirit’s wind, fanning them into consuming flame. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished for the Kingdom of God, with the Presence of Christ in us. Surely, He has taken up residence within our hearts, flowing like a river, and not bound by our flesh, but released by the authority of the Father through the power of Holy Spirit. A truth, our love is not without suffering, but the hope released in those moments of pain in the face of persecution or trial, speaks to the darkness and it trembles at the light’s approach. Let God breathe His life fully into your chambers today, knowing that the Truth that exists in you will overcome any falsehood placed in your way by the devil.
Watch a while with me . . .