watch the Father . . .

IHOP_Alabaster USA
3 min readMar 5, 2020


Deuteronomy 6: 6–7 “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”


“And these words . . .” God breathed, spoken from His heart to our own. We are in awe, that God the Father would entrust to us, the essence of who He is. His word which became flesh in a Bethlehem manger thousands of years ago. We are a chosen people, a human race now filled with His Spirit, resurrected from certain death. Glory comes easily from our lips as we praise the One who created it all. We are in love with the Bridegroom, adoring His presence in us and through us. As the Bride, we are conduits of His majesty, having become a people of His possession. Certainly there is incredible comfort knowing His promises as He grows our belief and faith, becoming the child of God He so desires. We are taken to a place, where walking with Him in the cool of the evening is a daily occurrence.

Kneeling before the King, He reaches out and lifts us up, looking eye to eye. Transformed and configured into His reflection, His eyes filled with love that was birthed on a Cross. We are humbled by this deep love, knowing we did nothing to deserve, but call on His name. Those dark hours of the night are broken by the light living inside of us, and when the sun does rise, we will have gone miles along this path following and running after Him. It is a wonderful event, meeting with Jesus daily, whether here or there, for the prayer calls for a Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. We can do no good thing without His presence, and that desire cannot be quenched, for like a seed planted deep inside our heart, it grows and demands His water, His blood, His oil, and His wine. Just look at what He has done, beauty for ashes.

From slaves to victory, boldly approach His throne. Sense the trembling within your soul. Know the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.

He is your everything, nothing else will suffice. His love, meant to be shared, talked about, written about, and shouted from the roof tops. Draw near in this time my beloved, letting His embrace wipe away every tear, every pain, every sickness, and guilt. It is a holy endeavor to walk with the Father, holding His hand, listening to His voice and being changed.

Jesus was asked, “Why do you do these things?”

His response was simply, “I watch the Father and do what He does.”

watch the Father . . .



IHOP_Alabaster USA
IHOP_Alabaster USA

Written by IHOP_Alabaster USA

Changing the Culture - through Worship and Prayer

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