Wisdom of God
Proverbs 6:20–23 “My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother. Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”
What have you come seeking? What is it that you want? And before you leave, have you ensured that you received it? Our hearts are filled with things of this world and those of heaven, but it cannot be the house for both. As you go deeper into the Lord’s presence, wanting more of what the Kingdom of God has to offer, allow the Holy Spirit to stretch your heart and clean out those things that are not of Him. The heart that beats within your chest has become a sacred place, and as your house becomes clean, do not bring in other things of this world, but truly go after Kingdom understanding. Wisdom is a beautiful spirit, and she is a constant companion in the years ahead, who will not fail to advise you. Go into this relationship, trusting her without doubt. Begin to walk in light and not the shadows of years past. You are a child of God that has been set free from the temptations of this world. You walk without the weight of the past, and sin is no longer an issue in your life having been conquered by the blood of Christ.
Glory has embraced you, and its pillars are strong and cannot every be broken. It is a building material that is like iron, but also like gold that when heated, becomes soft and supple for construction, filling every corner of your heart. Yes each cavity has been rooted out and made ready to receive the beauty of God’s word; that life that became flesh, being born of a virgin was brought into this world for the expressed purpose of saving mankind from themselves and that dark enemy. The only name that is of significance is Christ, the champion that beat the enemy down in that moment on the Cross when He declared, “It is finished!” Heaven broke through to the earth, and the veil was torn in two from top to bottom opening the way for all men and women to come to God. The reconciliation between man and God began in that moment.
This Wisdom that advises you is not of this world, but is of His flesh, His body. She became a constant companion, that speaks at each intersection of your life. For the decisions you must make, are filled with Kingdom understanding, and you will not fail, when you listen to Holy Spirit that dwells within your frame. That heart of yours is at the center of the house that God has built in you. Truly, you are your Father’s house. The rooms are many, and Jesus is the architect. Your design is of heaven, and its trusses cannot ever be broken. They hold the roof which has become your strong tower, where others can run into and be saved. This is where the hunger is increased, as those that are in need come to you for more. There is a song whose lyics are, “It may look like I am surrounded, but I am surrounded by You.” This essence of truth is, you have become the table prepared in the presence of your enemies. Those around you know that there is protection with you, and they can sit and dine on the Word of God without fear.
Let Holy Spirit guide you, speaking reproofs at critical junctures in your walk, so that you will not stumble, but have success and victory in every event. The fire has been lit, and it consumes us igniting the passion of our heart, releasing the most powerful love in all of creation. Seek the Word of God, increase the hunger and awareness within you, knowing that you will not be satisfied until you have eaten of His body and drank of His blood, the Word of God.