You are the Voice
Acts 18:9–11 “ Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, “Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.” And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”
We can’t get enough of you Lord, Jesus. You are the Lover of our soul and we are your beloved.
Enjoy the presence of the Living God today. Be not ashamed to believe in the Son of God, but instead profess it boldly in the market place, in those places where the lost mingle. Allow your testimonies to be released in the Power of His Blood, giving thanks to the One who redeemed you from the grave. It is your Resurrection, that the lost will talk about for years as you display the Love of Christ to the world. You are being asked to take the stage, no longer lingering behind the crowds but boldly preaching the Word of God, with authority. You are a glorious child of God.
Take the words Christ spoke to Paul, know that you will be safe in the Master’s hands. Know that the Lord has many believers in this place, that they too will proclaim God’s truth along side of you. You are a mouth for God, put here with the purpose of sharing the Gospel, that good news that must reach the nations around the world. We will pray for our enemies to be found and saved, and we will lift up our leaders in the government, knowing that the Lord hears our prayers and answers them. He is the only way, the truth and the life. We have nothing of our own volition, but everything is purposed for His will.
In the midst of your day, there will be opportunity to speak with others about God. You must take advantage of these divine encounters for the Lord is eager that the lost be found, and the sick be healed. We are to take advantage of the boldness placed in our hearts from His heart, that we are Lions of the Kingdom, taught to love fiercely and without delay. Bring your Love to the surface that was woven into your heart at the very beginning. Be the city on a hill, the Light that never goes out, and do not hide yourself any longer. We are in a season of suddenly, where things will come fast and quick, including the Faith necessary to heal the sick and raise the dead.
Read this faith in His Word, it is there. He does not hide the Truth from you, and you have given your life to Him, to do with as He pleases. The struggle is not against the Father, but those things of the enemy in this land that we live. Break through your flesh today, leave it behind as a worn out garment. Pray intentionally, with faith, and belief in the One who loves you and has created you in your mother’s womb. Surely, He knew you before you were even born. Lean not on your own understanding, but in all things acknowledge Him. There is no other way. Take Joy in these things, for He has overcome the world.
You are the voice.